NOC 2023 - Registration is now closed
Registration has now closed.
For further ticket sales and information please email nicky.whyman@kdmevents.com
National Optical Conference 2023
Monday 13 November - Tuesday 14 November 2023 Wyboston Lakes
This year we want to provide a platform that places LOCs at the forefront with interactive, engaging opportunities to share learning, network and celebrate best practice.
You will have a chance to ‘build your own’ NOC where you can focus on the streams that are relevant to you, your LOC and practice whilst engaging in topics that are key and address things nationally.

We’re excited to present NOC 2023’s agenda that reflects the key themes that are important and relevant to you.
Day 1 (Monday, 13 November 2023): Sharing, Learning and Developing |
09:30am - 11:00am |
Registration, Exhibition and Refreshments |
11:30am - 11:40am |
Welcome address and NOC 2023 Overview Celebration of LOCs and services in primary eye care Dr Joy Tweed (LOCSU Board Chair)
11:40am - 11:50am |
Opening keynote address Chris Hopson (Chief Strategy Officer, NHS England) |
11:50am - 12:20pm |
Eyecare services for the future Standard service specification - Zoe Richmond (Clinical Director, LOCSU) & Wojciech Karwatowski (Chair, CCEHC) National Eyecare Transformation update - James Palmer (NHS England Assistant Director of Programmes - Eyecare Transformation) |
12:20pm - 12:30pm |
National summary
Janice Foster (LOCSU CEO)
12:30pm - 2:00pm |
Rolling Lunch and networking 'Grab & Go' lunch with a chance to network, visit exhibitions before attending workshops
12:45pm – 6:00pm |
NOC workstreams Build your own conference with a day of opportunities to do as few or as many workshops as delegates wish. Workshop details can be found here Full workshop details are available on the NOC APP. |
7:00pm - 11:30pm |
NOC Dinner, dance & presentation Conference dinner with After-dinner address and certificate presentation of Optical professionals from Leadership course. Ian Rose (OBE) Grant Robinson (Director of Post Graduate studies – WOPEC)
Day 2 (Tuesday, 14 November 2023): Collaborating, propelling thoughts to action
07:00am - 08:30am |
NOC Breakfast
08:30am - 09:15am |
Networking and exhibition
09:20am - 09:30am |
Welcome Address Dr Joy Tweed (LOCSU Board Chair)
09:40am - 11:40am |
Regional Focus Explore challenges and opportunities presented to them, develop strong strategies for collaborative working considering the ICB interface and influence Facilitated by LOCSU advancement leads and national forum members
11:45am – 12:15pm |
Central Fund AGM, 50th anniversary Charles Barlow
12:15pm – 12:30pm |
LOC celebration/montage
12:30pm - 1:30pm |
Lunch, Networking and exhibition
1:45pm - 2:30pm |
Keynote Address: A call to action
Discuss the Importance of LOCs and regional work to amplify national strategies to make a difference to patient outcomes Professor James Kingsland (OBE)
2:35pm - 3:15pm |
LOC Front & Centre & #YourLOC NOC 2023 summary of regional discussions & overview; start to develop next steps for LOCSU strategy meeting & LOC needs Janice Foster (LOCSU CEO)
3:30pm |
Conference close
LOCSU is a non-profit organisation established to provide support for Local Optical Committees (LOCs) across England.
In line with our vision, we work collaboratively with LOCs, ensuring support for current and future leaders, to make it easier for LOCs to function and maximise opportunities to improve primary eye care in their area.
Our activities relating to primary eye care include pathway development, commissioning support, governance and compliance support, communication and training. LOCSU drives innovative thinking about present and future opportunities and challenges within the primary eye care sector, to meet the changing needs of LOCs.
Our role sees us work in collaboration with sector bodies and a wide range of partners across the optical and wider health sectors to enhance and promote the role of LOCs and primary eye care among health decision makers. You can find more information about LOCSU, our role and strategy here.
All Hotel accommodation is on site at either Woodlands Event Centre or Willows Training Centre
All accommodation for the conference will be spread across the venue’s 3 hotels: The Waterfront, The Willows or the Woodlands (where the conference will be held)
If you are travelling on and need accommodation for Sunday, 12 November (at the venue) – please contact rachel.durcan@kdmevents.com
If you book the venue, we will ensure you have the same room for the entire conference.
Alternative accommodation:
• Premier Inn (B&B)
• D'Parys (B&B)
Please note that if you are from an LOC and have received a complimentary place, you can be reimbursed for your accommodation expenses (only) provided you must travel before 7am on Monday to attend the conference. You must complete the form within 2 weeks of the conference. For further information and queries please email noc@locsu.co.uk

Getting There
Wyboston Lakes and Resort is extremely easy to find. It has great transport links whether traveling by train or car. The nearest station is St Neots. There is ample free parking available across the site.
Event information
Attendee code of conduct
NOC is committed to providing a professional, friendly and safe environment for all participants at regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, or other protected class.
Once you have registered, you will receive an automatic email notification letting you know we have received your application (Please check your junk folder)
All tickets for the conference include full access to all workshops including refreshments and lunch.
Dinner and breakfast are for residential ticket holders and those who have indicated the dinner option.
Delegate ID
Delegate lanyards should be worn at all times while inside the event venue.
The NOC App is now available to download! all delegates will need to download the NOC app to book their workshops and for the latest onsite information.
Dress code:
The dress code for the daytime will be smart casual and the evening (NOC dinner, dance & presentation) will be lounge suits.
N.B There is an element of walking during the day, comfortable clothing and shoes is advised.
Photography & Filming:
There will be photography and/or filming at the conference and your image may be captured by us and used for promotional and training purposes, in printed publications, videos, and/or on our website. By registering for the event, you are giving us your permission to use your image in this way. If you have any queries about this, however, please email noc@locsu.co.uk
Exhibitors and Sponsors
This year, we are offering exhibitors and sponsors new opportunities to make the most out of NOC 2023 with over 200 delegates!
The NOC is an annual national conference that gathers colleagues from around the ophthalmic community across England. This year delegates will be building their own conference; making sure it is as interactive as possible!
For exhibition and sponsorship opportunities at NOC 2023 and future collaborations, please contact LOCSU at noc@locsu.co.uk
Exhibitors and Sponsors
Keynote Speakers
The NOC welcomes this year; esteemed key note speakers and facilitators. For a full list of NOC 2023 speakers and facilitators please see the NOC app!
Chris Hopson
Guest Speaker

Chris joined NHS England (NHSE) in June 2022 as the newly created Chief Strategy Officer, responsible for NHSE’s strategy; policy; communications; stakeholder management including the formal relationship with Government; health inequalities and a greener NHS.
Between 2012 and 2022 Chris was CEO of NHS Providers, the membership organisation for the 210 hospital, mental health, community and ambulance services that treat patients and service users in the NHS. NHS Providers had all trusts in England in voluntary membership, collectively accounting for £104bn of annual expenditure and 1.2 million staff.
In his role at NHS Providers, Chris was a frequent public commentator on NHS issues, regularly appearing in the media on programmes such as Question Time, Any Questions, Today Programme and all the main television and radio news bulletins. He also built up a substantial Twitter following @ChrisCEOHopson, using a series of twitter threads to explain how frontline trusts were seeing to improve patient outcomes and care. Chris also chaired the Programme Board for the NHS Aspiring CEOs programme, which he helped create, and which has seen 28 of its graduates appointed to NHS Trust Chief Executive roles over the last six years.
Ian Rose OBE
Motivational Speaker
Ian was born with retinoblastoma and lost his left eye and most of the sight in his right. Left with a facial disfigurement and had to wear thick glasses. His parents introduced him to Judo in order to boost his confidence.
He went on to win two Paralympic medals, 5 World Championships medals and four European Championships.
Due to an injury, he was forced into early retirement in 2011 after a 22-year international career. However as one of Great Britain’s most successful Paralympic Judoka, Ian was a torchbearer and opening ceremony performer for the London 2012 Paralympic Games,
Ian’s positive nature and zest for life helped him achieve sporting stardom and world-class success. He specifically leads on the power of the individual and improving personal performance, overcoming adversity, goal setting and avoiding complacency.
Ian now travels the world with the goal of helping people achieve their full potential and is a specialist in resilience and confidence building; whilst maintaining his 3 steps to success:
1. Keep it simple
2. Practice makes progression, not perfection
3. What’s in your Cup of Best?
Professor James Kingsland OBE
Keynote Speaker

James is a primary care physician, former Senior Partner in a nationally renowned, award-winning general practice in England and is a clinical professor in the School of Medicine at the University of Central Lancashire.
He has designed and led major national and international service transformation projects during a distinguished career in clinical practice spanning 40 years and is now regarded as a world authority on healthcare reform.
In recognition of this, he was awarded the OBE for services to Medicine and to Healthcare in the Queens Diamond Jubilee New Year’s Honours 2012.
He is the co-designer of the blueprint for Primary Care Networks across England and has built on this work as the national clinical lead for a programme to address health inequalities across England.
He created and chairs the UK Digital Clinical Excellence Forum (DiCE) which leads on the development of standards for on-line clinical services.
James is a founder member of the Faculty of Disaster Medicine for southern Asia and now serves as the Clinical Director for Saving Lives International CIO.
He has been working for 22 years and is the longest serving doctor with the BBC.
Some of his previous roles have included Founding Board member, Chair and President of the National Association of Primary Care (UK), Advisor to the UK Department of Health, adviser to the Cabinet Office of the Government of the Isle of Man, and he has served on the board of three NHS hospitals.